Do More Expensive Air Filters Really Work Better?

Find out if more expensive air filters really work better than cheaper ones and how to choose an air filter that is suitable for your individual needs.

Do More Expensive Air Filters Really Work Better?

Yes, in general, more expensive air filters are more effective than cheaper ones, but the right filter for you depends on your individual needs. It's not about finding the best price, it's about finding the right one for your unit. When it comes to air filters, the manufacturer's recommendations should be followed first. They will usually provide ideal ratings for your system, which are based on the size of your home and the size of the unit.

Whether it's cheap or expensive, it's not about finding one with the best price, it's about finding the right one for your unit. Using the right air filter will increase the longevity and performance of your HVAC system. Adding years to the unit and avoiding costly repairs is a much better option than trying to reduce costs on an air cleaner. When it comes to oven filters, the general rule of thumb for many HVAC professionals is “the cheaper the better”.

Most air filters have a value of 1 to 13, but HEPA filters, which are often used in hospitals, have a MERV rating of 13+. This type works to protect your HVAC system from particles, but it's not very effective at improving air quality. Different filter materials have different MERV ratings because they have different abilities to protect from particles. Cheaper filters are made of spun fiberglass, which does very little to filter the air compared to materials such as paper, cotton, or polyester.

While it may not cause airflow problems, a clogged fiberglass filter will allow debris to pass through and eventually clog the system itself. MPR stands for Microparticle Performance Rating and is a system for determining how small particles can be filtered with a particular air filter. It turns out that both ovens and air conditioning units use the same filters and perform the same functions. When the MERV rating of a filter is too high, then the mesh fabric begins to restrict airflow.

Washable air filters will save you money in the long run, since you don't buy replacement filters, but you won't save effort. By using the manufacturer-recommended Minimum Efficiency Information Value (MERV) filter, your HVAC system will be better protected against dust, dirt and wear and tear and provide reliable, long-lasting performance. The average household benefits from having a filter that is rated high enough to block problems in the air, but not so high as to cause airflow complications. In conclusion, more expensive air filters are more effective than cheaper ones but it is important to find one that is suitable for your individual needs. Using the right air filter will increase the longevity and performance of your HVAC system while saving you money in the long run.

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