Do Air Filters Make AC Work Harder?

Do air filters make AC work harder? Learn how dirty filters can lead to higher energy bills and costly repairs from an expert.

Do Air Filters Make AC Work Harder?

Do air filters make air conditioners work harder? The answer is yes. When the filter is not the right fit for the boiler or heating system, it reduces performance and efficiency. This leads to higher energy bills as the system consumes more energy. Air filters with higher efficiency ratings are usually thicker than those with lower ratings, and they fit differently.

This can make it difficult to capture dust, dirt, and other particles from the air circulating in the house. Any accumulation of dust on the filter will impede ideal AC operation. In some cases, this may only add a few dollars to your electric bill. But in other cases, it could cause or contribute to system failure. If you're unsure about replacing the filter, it's probably time to do so.

The air conditioner is designed to absorb a certain amount of air each time it cycles. When airflow is reduced, the components of your cooling system have to work harder to do their job. This means that, in general, the system will accumulate wear and tear much faster than it would have otherwise, shortening its life or leading to costly repairs. To ensure the health and comfort of your family, friends, and other guests, it's best to get an air filter with the highest efficiency rating you can afford. Not only do these filters allow people to breathe easier, but they can also reduce odors and make your home a more pleasant place to live. If you want to purify the air in your home even further, consider adding an air purifier.

Reusable filters that capture the types of contaminants you need for your family may cost more upfront but can save money in the long run. The standard air filter consists of a medium that traps unwanted particles in the air as it passes through. You can also get a smart AC filter that syncs with an app on your phone and reminds you when it's time to change the filter. We recommend checking your air filter at least once a month, but advanced filters can last longer. An electrostatic filter captures smaller particles than a standard washable filter and is completely reusable. A dirty air filter will restrict the flow of cold air, causing it to build up inside the air conditioning unit and lower its temperature.

This filter is placed between the intake air and the HVAC system, so a clogged filter prevents air from circulating through the ventilation grilles. If the filter fabric is dense, it will stop smaller particles but also slow down the airflow of the air conditioner controller. If the filter becomes clogged during summer cooling season, cold air buildup can cause icing on the air conditioning coils or evaporator.

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